World’s Largest Stucco Snowman, world record in North St. Paul, Minnesota

North St. Paul, Minnesota, United States–Standing tall at 44 feet and made of 20 tons of concrete stucco, the giant stucco snowman standing on the corner of Margaret Street and Highway 36 (Central Park) in North St. Paul, Minnesota, sets the world record for being the World’s Largest Stucco Snowman, according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY.

“It all began in 1969 when Lloyd Koesling former barber, civic leader, and resident of North St. Paul, took his family on a vacation to Disneyland. Lloyd was so fascinated by workmen building a statue there, that when he returned to North St. Paul, he shared his excitement with the City Council, and said that he too could build a village symbol that would represent the City. Lloyd felt a snowman was the appropriate statue because every year the North St. Paul Jaycees would build a snowman as part of the annual snow Frolics Festival, using the excess snow the snow plowing crew would drop off. The mound of snow soon resembled a huge snowman,” the North St. Paul says.

“In 1972, the City Council donated a small plot of land to be used for the Snowman. When the day came to pour the slab, many volunteers were there to help out. From there, rods were welded together in order to give the rounded shape to the two big balls and one smaller one for the head. The big arms and the jaunty red scarf that jet out from the body are rods as well. The head was manufactured separately on the same multi-weld fashion and one of the bars ended in a huge heavy eyelet on the tip of the tilted top hat so that it could be hoisted up on top of the body. Over 1000 pounds of stucco was added to the structure. The total cost of the materials for the project back in 1972-1974 was $2000 paid by the Chamber of Commerce. The whole project took longer than expected, but on July 23,1974, a volunteer crane operator, hitched onto the eyelet and hoisted the head on, and placed it on top of the body.

“For nearly 20 years, the Snowman stood on North St. Paul’s main street. It was moved to the current location on the corner of Margaret Street and Highway 36 (Central Park) in May of 1990. Partial funds to move the town mascot came from Celebrate Minnesota, an organization promoting beautification projects. Today, the snowman stands as a warm hearty welcome to travelers and locals as well. “Turn at the snowman” was the easiest way for people to know how to find North St. Paul in the metro area.”

“From Highway 36, the first thing you might notice is the gigantic grin—or maybe the jaunty red scarf or the outstretched arms. No matter what, it’s almost impossible to miss North St. Paul’s colossal snowman,” the Mpls. St. Paul Magazine says.

“In 1969, North St. Paulite (and snowman builder) Lloyd Koesling went to Disneyland with his family—and when he saw the park’s concrete-and-stucco sculptures, inspiration struck. “He thought, Well, that’d be a good way to build a snowman, and we wouldn’t have to construct the thing every year,” Anderson recounts.t

“Eventually, the city came around to the idea, and volunteers started building it a few years later. Sure, it’s had its share of drama since then, including vandalizations, a move to a new location (it was so large and heavy its head needed to be removed for transport, the ghastliness of which sparked at least one letter to the editor in the local paper), and locals who still express their distaste for it—but still, the snowman’s place in the hearts of North St. Paul’s community stands tall.”

“The snowman’s story begins in 1969. North St. Paul barber Lloyd Koesling took a family vacation to Disneyland. Koesling was so fascinated by crews building a statue there that when Lloyd returned home, he told the city council he could build a village symbol that would represent the city,” the KSPT-TV says.

“With steel, concrete and stucco, Koesling’s dream came true in 1974 when what is known as the world’s largest snowman was unveiled. It stands 44 feet tall, weighs 20 tons and his big smile reaches 16 feet across. He stands next to Highway 36.

“”If they are traveling between Minneapolis or St. Paul to Stillwater, they are going to see it,” Paul Anderson with the North St. Paul Historical Society Museum said, “It was quite an accomplishment. It became the official piece in North St. Paul.”

“North St. Paul, Minnesota – There’s a giant snowman that’s hard to miss! Standing tall at 44 feet and made of 20 tons of concrete stucco, this snowman has been a cool sight since 1974. It got a fresh coat of white paint in 2017 to keep it looking its best,” the Jack and Kitty says.

“You’ll find this frosty giant at the corner of MN Highway 36 and Margaret Street. It was built by the North St. Paul Jaycees, who used to make a snowman every winter to celebrate Sno-Daze. After a few years without enough snow, they decided to make a permanent snowman that everyone could enjoy year-round. It used to be downtown but was moved to its current spot so more people could see it.

“For almost 20 years, the snowman was a main street landmark. In 1990, it was moved to its current location, thanks to some funding from Celebrate Minnesota. Today, it’s a beloved landmark that gives a warm welcome to travelers and locals alike. “Turn at the snowman” is a common way to give directions in the area.”

“What better way to get into the winter spirit than a visit to the self-proclaimed World’s Largest Snowman?” The Travel says.

“Standing at about 44 feet tall and made of stucco rather than snow, the North St. Paul Snowman is truly a sight to behold—sporting a happy grin and signature top hat, the gentle giant has been delighting visitors for nearly 50 years with its distinctive roadside appeal.”

“I took the day off from work and the wife and I spent the day driving around the Twin Cities looking for a big stuff or three. We started by going to North St. Paul and tracking down the World’s Largest Snowman,” the Big Stuff Project says.

“The snowman was built in 1974 out of concrete stucco and is 54 feet tall. According to a tipster at, the North St. Paul Jaycees used to build a snowman each year at the same intersection for it’s Sno-Daze celebration. After a couple of winters with some lean snowfalls, they decided to build this one of cement. Take that, Mother Nature!

“The snowman was somewhat recently repainted to appear as if he was wearing a Bret Hedican jersey. He used to have a much more traditional paint job. Hedican was born in St. Paul and went to high school in North St. Paul. He went on to play in the NHL and last year won the Stanley Cup as a member of the Carolina Hurricanes.”

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