Here’s the thing, I gathered a bunch of information at the World Circular Economy Forum 2024, held mid-April in Brussel. Pages of information about sustainability, examples of policies, campaigns, circular businesses set up around the world that serve as guidelines for best practices, reports on what goes wrong accompanied by solutions to fix the problems, recommendations and the list can go on.
I returned back home well packed with theory and networking and with a dominant conclusion (which, by the way, was also the general vibe) that is more heartfelt than rational: we have hope, we’re on the right path!
There are many kinds of people around us: the ones that stand by, those who make plans and the ones who take action. The latest are the people I’ve met in Brussel at the WCEF, thousands of people who attended in person or from online: experts, academics, leaders, politicians, business men, thinkers and doers, armed with knowledge and viable projects, full of energy and with a will to turn around the negative trends and put the economy on a path towards sustainability.
Circular economy is still in an emergent phase in Europe, who holds the leadership and could have a trigger effect around the world. Pivoting the linear economy into a circular one is not a sprint, it is a marathon which requires a systemic change of global scale. The transition will only be possible if we work together. No actor can drive change alone. Our efforts must be concerted to achieve a structural transformation of production and consumption.