Applications for Humphrey Fellowship 2025-2026 are Open!
The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program is a one-year, fully funded, professional development program offered to mid-career professionals. Typically, Humphrey Fellows have a record of leadership, a commitment to public service and the initiative to take full advantage of a self-defined program of independent study at a leading American university.

The Humphrey Fellowship enhances leadership among international professionals who collaborate to address local and global challenges and foster change for our collective good.

Through academic study and professional development with U.S. counterparts, this growing global network shares best practices and builds expertise in fields of critical importance to advance societal and institutional capacity, promote human rights and freedoms, ensure sustainable environments, and develop thriving communities.

Priority Areas

Human and Institutional Capacity

  • Economic Development
  • Finance and Banking
  • Public Policy Analysis and Public Administration
  • Technology Policy and Management

Sustainable Lands

  • Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Natural Resources, Environmental Policy, and Climate Change
  • Urban and Regional Planning

Thriving Communities

  • Public Health Policy and Management
  • Substance abuse, Education Treatment, and Prevention
  • Education Administration, Planning and Policy

Rights and Freedoms

  • Communications/Journalism
  • Law and Human Rights

Eligibility Requirements

  • A Bachelor’s degree or higher
  • Five years of substantial professional experience
  • Demonstrated record of leadership and public service
  • Fluency in English
  • A Zimbabwean citizen living and working in Zimbabwe at the time of application
  • Limited or no prior experience in the United State

DEADLINE: June 7, 2024



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