Las Vegas sideshow artist sets two eye socket Guinness World Records

Remarkable feat astonished the audience as Stanton moved the heavy vehicle several feet across the stage

A sideshow artist from Las Vegas, Andrew Stanton, has achieved two unique Guinness World Records using his eye sockets.

During an appearance on the Italian TV series “Love Show de Record” in Milan, Stanton set his first record by pulling a Cadillac weighing 5,319.75 pounds, including the driver, using large metal hooks inserted into his eye sockets. This remarkable feat astonished the audience as Stanton moved the heavy vehicle several feet across the stage.

In a separate record attempt, Stanton performed another incredible act. With a sword inserted down his throat, he lifted his assistant, who weighed 129.63 pounds, using only his eye sockets. This daring act secured his second world title, showcasing Stanton’s extraordinary strength and endurance.

These feats have highlighted Stanton’s unique abilities and added to his reputation as a remarkable performer in the world of sideshow artistry.

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