From Austria, France and Italy to Germany, Spain and Sweden: Europe’s right-wing leaders are wielding more power

Scratching the surface of far-right parties’ role in Europe’s halls of power


  • The rise of right-wing parties to the mainstream carries the potential to reshape the political landscape of the European Union.
  • It’s the perfect storm – a combustible mix of anxieties and economic strain, threatening to boil over.

Europe is a continent shaped by migration. In recent years, it’s been grappling with integrating a new wave with up to 5.1 million migrants entering the European Union from non-EU countries.

This has created a pressure cooker of tensions as more countries are worried about cultural shifts, alongside the economics of managing migrants. Now, the flames have been stoked by a skyrocketing cost of living. Fuel prices, already on a tear, have gone sky-high thanks to global tensions.

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